Saturday, 18 January 2014

A big week....

I've waited a long time.... nearly thirty five years, to continue the process which will open the doors to the rest of my life. In fact the process began two years ago when my good friend and much younger colleague, Liz, moved to France with her family. This gave me the opportunity to step down from my leadership and management responsibilities at school, assuming the part time role as just a teacher of Science, to replace Liz and my job advertised. I say 'just' but teaching is in fact the most important job to be done within a school. I have enjoyed it immensely, and have loved the extra contact with young people.

This year I decreased my commitment even further working all day Monday and the mornings on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I didn't ask for this wonderful timetable it just fell that way!

So it was with sadness, but also great excitement for the future that I handed in my written notice to take early retirement from September 1st, which actually means July 18th. I didn't need to resign at this early a stage, but as the decision had been made before Christmas there didn't seem much point in prolonging the process. It also means that my headteacher can plan for the future.

I still love my job but there are so many other things I would like to experience and not be ruled by school holidays. There are places to visit, a language to learn, gardens to tame, homes to improve, preserves and cakes to be made and most of all family and friends to spend more time with.

Work, would just get in the way!