Thursday, 2 April 2015

J Day + 14 Fuji continued....

Blogging 'on the go' via iPad. The rain we had yesterday was worth it. Today the weather is fantastic and the views of Fuji are stunning...

Although the cherry blossom is out in Tokyo, the mountains around Fuji are a bit behind. It is just starting to blossom in sheltered, sunny areas.

More later...


  1. Teenagers again... Great Selfie with Fuji!! Looks great C

    1. We were spitting that we didn't have a 'selfie stick'!

    2. A must have I suppose... Will put one on my Birthday list... Perhaps!!!

  2. Stunning indeed. Very much worth waiting for.

    1. Fuji was a 'must see' for me. Fortunately everything worked out.

      On your work related visits what were your impressions of Japan?

    2. I never got around to doing the fun stuff you guys are doing I'm ashamed to say - mostly around Tokyo. I did get to visit one of our plants up Yamagata in the north of Honshu (apple country) and I loved that. So I think it fair to say that I liked the rural aspect of Japan more than the urban side. I have lasting memories of the technology, cleanliness, organization and politeness of everyone I visited. But I also think it's fair to say that you are always an "outsider", which is fair enough, we're probably much the same. I now work for a Taiwan company and it's interesting to compare the countries. Taiwan is less clean and less well organized and yet I feel more comfortable there for some reason. Japanese life is quite rigidly structured. Just my two cents worth. I'd be interested in hearing how Tom feels about it having lived there, although I suspect that living there affords you more inclusive treatment than an occasional business trip.

    3. Thanks, Craig. I'll do a longer response to this perhaps as a blog post, but in essence I think Tom would agree with you about always being an outsider. He is in a very rural area and although people have been incredibly kind and welcoming there is still a barrier, especially as there are very few young people in the vicinity. He has decided to finish his contract in the summer as he has a place at Oxford to study for a MSc in international education, but I suspect he might have stayed longer had he been in a more vibrant situation with more to do.

  3. Wow, beautiful. Glad you got to see it properly in the end. Diane

    1. Hi Diane. We were very fortunate as it rained on Wednesday and today (Friday), but Thursday was a perfect day with a cloudless blue sky so that we could see Fuji at its best.

  4. Breathtaking.
    Lucky you, not that luck has much to do with it of course!
