Monday, 16 April 2012

Lucky old me ...

On Sunday I arrived home from France.

On Monday I set out for yet another week in France, accompanied by fifty eight Year 8 pupils!

Lucky old me …


  1. Just think, there is a very good chance that some of those lucky year 8s will acquire your love and enthusiasm for France......hope they, and you have a great time.

  2. Ah the joys of 'sheepherding' hormonal teenagers! ;-)

  3. Hello Gaynor:
    We could think of words other than lucky to describe a school trip to France with fifty eight 12/13 year olds.....

    Roll on the summer hols!!!

  4. Oh, Gaynor, aren't you brave? Bon Voyage, as they say!

  5. Sounds like hard work to me, even in France.
    I once accompanied my ex who was a teacher on a skiing holiday in France. Never again. The lowest moment was when some spotty sixth former tapped at the door late one night and asked me if I could sew up his hand again - he had been stitched in hospital after a slicing incident involving the ski edges but had been larking about and broken the stitches.

    I just fetched my glasses and got on with it.

    BTW, can't get my head round this "year 8" business. What does that mean to those of us more used to first, second, third formers etc.....??

  6. Glad to hear you both got home safely anyway! Good luck with the "ados".

  7. Good luck, good thing you are rested from last week?

  8. Have fun, I remember our daughters doing an April in France school trip. :)

  9. That all sounds wonderful Gaynor! I enjoyed scrolling through your garden pics too.

