Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The best rooftop view in the village?

I wrote recently about a wonderful meal we had with our friends Chris and Sally at La Promenade in February. You can read about it here.

When we left the restaurant we walked back to Le Pre Vert, put our boots on and strolled around the village at dusk. 

In the summer we had spoken to some neighbours, who told us that the best rooftop view in the village was to be had from the top of some stone steps, along the edge of their garden. After a few deleted snaps we managed one that we were happy with. Although we will go back and experiment some more.

We also loved the church. We have a beautiful church in our village in the UK too, but it is never lit up.


  1. Beautiful photos. I am so looking forward to my return next weekend :-) Diane

  2. I'm excited for you Diane - and just a little bit jealous!

    Hope you have a safe journey, and find everything in good order when you arrive.

    We have friends who live for 8 months of the year near to Chatillion sur Indre (36). They are going out next Tuesday, but are coming to us for a 'bon voyage' lunch on Sunday.

  3. Your village looks beautiful at dusk! It is nice that they floodlight the churches. Ours looks best at night I think, perched as it is on the ridge.

  4. I love to see the floodlit churches and buildings too.
    However with the disasters in Japan to the forefront my mind, perhaps this use of our global energy resources is a luxury we can no longer afford.

  5. There is something so beguiling about French villages, especially ones built on hills in the middle of countryside.
