Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Something not quite right ...

A couple of days ago we decided to make the most of some beautiful autumn weather to walk in the fields behind our house. Sandon Hall, hidden for the majority of the year, is resplendent peeping through the autumn foliage.

As we walked we noticed a beautiful russet colour surrounded by green.

On closer inspection we realised that something wasn’t quite right.

Surrounding the ‘nine-acre field’ were other conifers in a similar state.

Does anyone know what the problem is?

I know that I could swerve the net and probably find the cause, but this kind of blogging wikipedia has so much more soul…

UPDATE: It looks like the big problem is that both Tim (my Tim) and I lack the tree identification gene.  Tim's (Pauline's Tim) comment makes this clear! 

At least that's one less thing to worry about...


  1. I saw on the new something about a fungus which has attacked some Christmas trees -- I wonder if this could be what was being reported... The Nordman Fir I think is the one particularly mentioned.

  2. Trees under attack - we've been hearing about the ash tree too. Such a shame. I can't help but it's so important to inspect the health of our beautiful trees. Axxx

  3. Oh dear I hope it is not a widespread problem for firs.

  4. No.9... The Larch!
    To go back to the days of Monty Python...
    these shots look like a Larch to me...
    which is the only deciduous fir tree!
    Often planted for Autumn colour...
    it is in fact a very good timber tree.

    The buds have a rosette of leaves around them and this rosette is shed in winter... The Spring buds are just 'bootiful'; they break out slowly in a marvellous pale green crown... the female flowers are very pretty.
    Two types exist in the 'wild'... The European and the Japanese... long cone and pretty rose like cone repectively. The most commonly planted is a hybrid of the two which has a much faster growth rate.... but in my book, poorer timber.

    I like larches... I could go on forever about them....
    Oh dear... looks like I have.

    1. Thanks, Tim.

      Isn't it amazing (or even shocking!) that we can have lived here for 30 years and not noticed that the trees are deciduous.

      Now we know that there isn't a dreadful beetle heading our way....yet!

    2. Just the Ash Dieback Fungus!!
      It will change the outlook around here... 40% of our riverbank is Ash. I am going to pollard some this year to give us a view up to the woods by La Jarrie... but it looks like I'll be filling gaps with varieties of willow.

    3. Is there any sign of the Ash Dieback Fungus in the region?

    4. I haven't read or heard of any... but it is a wind borne disease, so it is probably just a matter of time. If one looks through pollen records, there is every likelyhood that it, or something similar, has happened before.
      They have already noticed resistant strains...
      Nature is resilient... thank the Gods!

  5. There's another fungus disease called Sudden Oak Death (Phytophthora Ramorum) which is attacking Larch trees in Britain - sorry to be the bearer of more bad news! However your photo just looks like a normal larch in Autumn. Pauline

    1. Pauline and I would like to know how your Tim got a mention on the Archers last week?
      Mentioned as the full name too...
      but he'd become a dairy farmer???!

      Yes, I trained as a Forester.... but I still use good identification guides for quite a lot of identification.
      Tim as Tim

    2. I heard it too.

      I'm now waiting for them to mention him again and then go on to say that his wife has retired!!! ;o)))
