Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Water, water, everywhere II ...

Tim took these photographs of the lane outside our house on Sunday morning. You may remember this post Nice weather...for ducks!


It’s still raining…

For the past few weeks Gaynor and her pupils have coped admirably (but not without moaning!) with difficult learning conditions (which you can read about here). There were many supportive comments, particularly about why the job is being done in term time. In fairness, nearly all schools want to schedule jobs like this for holiday periods, and there just aren’t enough large building companies able to take on such work.  

 The situation has gone 'from bad to worse', as for the past week my lab has been unusable, due to a leaky roof. This photograph was taken yesterday with buckets, bins and trays catching water from no less than 19 different leaks around my lab and prep room.  On Sunday, in a bid to alleviate my potential grumpiness, a long-suffering deputy head drove to school to empty the buckets!!

Sadly, my camera cannot capture smells.

Before the ‘new roof’ my lab had one tiny leak where the roof joins a new lab. That leak is still there and getting bigger…

And, it’s still raining…


  1. What a nightmare! Hope the weather forecasters are right and the rain is going to clear away soon. Here the sun has come out -- hope it's on its way to you. I do think, however, it's best the camera does not capture smells!!!

    1. I think you're probably right about the smells! I hope you're also right about the rain clearing away.

  2. Sounds like the problems are spreading from the new museum at Le Grand Pressigny...

    1. What's happened at the museum?

    2. They had to do emergency work last year...
      because of roof leaks...
      the ceiling tiles are still off in a couple of places...
      and when it re-opened, it closed...
      and then re-reopened...
      until the very start of this year...
      and the floor is apparently cracking...
      so it will probably close again over the winter for further "remedial" work.
      I think a "motor vehicle maintenance" class was given the first contract...
      if you don't have one of those at your school, they were the lads and lasses for whom technical studies proved too hard.

  3. Oh Gaynor I feel so sorry for you, a nightmare is an understatement. I hope the rain stops soon and everything dries out. We both feel for you. Have a good week if possible. Diane

    1. In relative terms my predicament is nothing when compared to the flood damage so many people in the UK are suffering from.

      I'm sure the rain will stop - soon, I hope :o)

  4. How awful! Is it a lack of funds or time that are the cause of this situation? I hope taht at least your home is dry and that you don't have to go through the same ordeal in the evening and during weekends! Best of luck! Martine

    1. Home very warm and very dry. Thanks, Martine.

  5. Never mid the buckets and the leaks your science lab looks far better than the lab did when I was at school.

  6. Oh dear! Nothing worse than a leaky and smelly lab inhabited by students who can leak and smell, too! lol

  7. Not a good time, Gaynor. As they say, things can only get better! (Hope that's not tempting fate...eek!) Axxx

  8. Hi Annie,

    I remember believing that in 1997. Things did get better - for a while. I guess I'll be fully retired if the leaks don't stop soon...

  9. Oh... poor you..... Presumably you could modify the curriculum in such extenuating circumstances and get the future adults to look at WATER,water cycle, effects of too much/too little, waste water, clean water, animals and microbes that like water... global effects, central global core effects on world tilt, raft-making, inventions for plugging leaks, what would be more effective than a sandbag?, wellington boot design, and use of joss stix and essential oils to eradicate smells.
    Oh... bon courage....I don't think this complies with regulatory office working conditions but schools always were excused... So many times did we sit having lessons with our coats, hats and scarves on because we could not go home nor get the little ones to go home because of no heating, or severe weather conditions.!!!! My heart goes out to so many whose homes are ruined. So sorry to read all about this.
