Saturday, 28 June 2014

The ‘after-life’…

For Tim, this is his first day on the other side. Yesterday was his last day of salaried work, and although we are considering this to be ‘retirement’, he isn’t quite old enough to access his work pensions. Mind you, from this photograph you’ll be very surprised that he isn’t old enough!!


Consultancy work is pouring in (quite a bit quicker than he/we would like it to) and the next three weeks promise to be VERY busy. All good stuff, working with teachers, schools, students, and the new generation of teachers who are training to enter the profession. No corporate restrictions, and the freedom to innovate and harness his creativity. He will be able, once more, to put education back at the heart of everything he does. Success will developing capability in others. He’s received lots of messages of support and good wishes.

Rhiannon and I independently chose cards with similar sentiments.



They always say that “great minds think alike”, or is it more a case of “fools seldom differ”?

Rhiannon and her partner, Stuart, are obviously keen for Tim to maintain his cutting-edge technological abilities…


Sally and Chris got it about right…



What do you think?

P.S. I can’t wait to join Tim on the other side. Roll on July 18th and beyond…



  1. Super extra congratulations. I think you'll get the hang of it quite quickly!

    1. Thank you, Susan. Starting as he means to go on he didn't get up until 7am this morning. A lie in!!!

  2. Well Done Tim... Now you will be able do some proper work... I am sure Gaynor s list is growing by the day and after the 17th July when she has time to think about it... WELL say no more!!!

    I am sure you will enjoy it... C

  3. Many congratulations! I suspect you'll find the 'after-life' far, far busier!
    Gaynor's list looks a dangerous beastie! ;-)

    1. We look forward to it!

      As for the list... Let me know if there is anything you would like me to add!

  4. Congratulations bit of advice for Consultancy work......learn to say no ! After salaried work, there seems to be a fear that you need to take on everything that comes along.......dont !!! Do the things you really want to do, and enjoy every minute. Not long for you now Gaynor....hope your last few weeks are completely joyous. Jx

  5. Hi Janice,

    Thanks for the good and timely advice. It sounds very much like you are talking from experience! We'd already come to the same conclusion.

    I think Tim is looking forward to not having a corporate paymaster where the bottom line and increasingly also the top line is PROFIT!

    I have 12 work days left and only three of those are full days. Although I'm feeling a bit jittery I'm convinced that It is the right decision. I've just had my last parents' evening and was asked a few times whether I'm running my STEM Club next year. As the news of my demise isn't yet public, but will be next week, my reply could only be that I hoped so. Fingers crossed that Emily, my young and enthusiastic replacement, steps up to do it.

    Not long until Le Tour begins. Hope you've chosen a good viewing point. I look forward to reading all about it...

  6. Congratulations Tim and welcome to the rest of your life! You'll feel younger and lighter, lt's great!
    We'll be watching le Tour in the Prehisto, and explainng to anyone who'll listen where all the places are. P.

  7. Congratulations! Soon you'll be wondering how you managed to fit everything in AND work full time!

  8. As Ken said, retirement is 24/7, Tim will soon wonder how he had the time to go to work. That's certainly how it us for us!
    That's a lovely photo of a relaxed and happy man at the start of a new phase in life.........or is he just wincing at the length of his "to do" list ?!

  9. I think Janice is definitely speaking from experience! The good advice is to take it easy for a while and practice releasing that tension! Here's to the 18th July, Gaynor. Have a great end to your teaching year (s). Axxx

  10. Oohh my! ... the tide is coming in... you will be awash with things to do, ideas will come pouring in so fast that you will wondering when on earth you ever managed to TEACH...tee hee... The world will have its doors open for learning, cos it never stops... and I am sure you will both feel the pleasure of saying YES to what you both wish to do. If it is paid work then brilliant and if not there will be no time for putting your feet up! Work starts here! All best wishes ... onwards and upwards! Rif
