Sunday, 1 June 2014

Bits and pieces…

The last couple of days have seen some wonderful weather. There was sun, some high cloud and enough of a breeze to make being out in the sun a pleasant experience.

On Friday we ventured across to Braye sous Faye for an excellent lunch, followed by a superb walk with Colin and Elizabeth. We came back ladened with goodies in the form of some eggs from their chickens,  lots of strawberries and about half a dozen ticks. We’ve now, on Elizabeth’s advice, ordered an O’Tom Tick Twister, but had to make do with some tweezers and a giant magnifying glass!


The eggs provided some boiled eggs and a delicious quiche and the strawberries have jazzed up our Shredded Wheat and Weetabix breakfast. The rest of the strawberries will be turned into rhubarb and strawberry jam. I made some last year which we really enjoyed. You can read about here. However it turns out that I can’t find the recipe I used last year so will have to improvise. So, what’s new!!

On Saturday we completed our garden chores apart from planting some fruit bushes. We’ve decided that our life style will make vegetable growing difficult, but soft fruit easier to manage. Which reminds me that our cherries although still not ripe, should be ready in a week or so, as will the redcurrants. As in previous years friends are welcome to help themselves.

Today we are heading out to the rose festival at Chedigny. The village is wonderful, and the display of roses fantastic. We are looking for some fragrant roses so should find some good examples there. We went a few years ago and were very impressed.


We also hosted the second meeting of the Loire Valley Clandestine Cake Club. The cakes were delicious. Watch this space for photographs… (Tomorrow)


  1. Isn't Chédigny astonishing? All those people wandering about sniffing roses, and the cascades of flowers in front of every house. The proportion of men with beards also seemed to be higher than in the general population. I want a Jeanne de Chédigny rose - there was one at the entrance to the car park and it'll do for me.

    1. We loved the fragrant roses. There was a mauve one called Charles de Gaulle which was very nice.

  2. Those strawberries do look good. The rose festival sounds like a perfect day out to me!

    1. As I type the jam is boiling and we've had the last of the strawberries on our breakfast.

      If you like roses you'd love Chedigny. A blog post to follow later in the week.
