However you choose to see in the new year, whether alone, in a small group or as part of a large gathering I wish you all health, peace and happiness for the coming year, 2014. We are going to a party at our next door neighbours, Gill and Rory. The trifle is setting, and the champagne chilling.
During 2014 there will be changes in my life which I am looking forward to, but with some trepidation. There will be challenges to face and adjustments to make, but all of them positive. I’ll be able to spend more time in France and also more time travelling. I want to enjoy the company of my friends and get to know them better. Of course there will also be people and places I’ll miss being a part of, but life moves on.
As usual, there will be the usual resolutions…
- to eat less and exercise more.
- to make every day count for something.
- to not put off until tomorrow those things I really ought to do today.
- to enjoy the company of family and friends.
- to plan for tomorrow, but live for today.
- to find new ways to ‘make a difference’.
- to try out new recipes with a view to improving my baking skills. *Jean, you’d better get that club started!
Of course these resolutions aren’t all SMART (in target setting jargon) but SMART or not, they are mine! A SMART target would be to ‘try out one new baking recipe each week for the next year’, as it is SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, REALISTIC and TIMED.It would, however, probably negate the first resolution!
My track record at even remembering, let alone sticking to resolutions isn’t great. Wish me luck…